2015 Nickelodeon TMNT Playmates MUTANT SHREDDER Lobster/Crab Arms 5” Figure ~ $5

2015 Nickelodeon TMNT Playmates MUTANT SHREDDER Lobster/Crab Arms 5"
This figure is in EXCELLENT condition, displayed only! The head, shoulders and claws are poseable. The claws are heavy compared to the figure so it is challenging to make it stand on its own. This figure is a slender orange, purple-brown and silver Shredder figure. The package description called this figure the Mutant Crab Shredder, and it does have orange crablike claws, HOWEVER it also has an orange lobster tail as well.

For your reference, here are more details about this item: 
From the packaging: original UPC# 043377905967, originally packaged as a 2 pack with the smaller Mutant Shrimp Shredder figure.  Verbiage on box: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Shredder: Using mutagen the Kraang perfected, Shredder's DNA has mutated with a shrimp and crab to form some of the best Mutant Shredder Guards Mutant Shrimp Shredder is quick, agile and with his tiny arms loaded with long, sharp blades, he is able to leap and ferociously attack the Turtles Mutant Crab Shredder's massive powerful claws allows him to grab and pinch his enemies into submission Mutant Crab Shredder and Shrimp has the skills and abilities to stop the Turtles in their tracks Seafood Takeout."